USA Entertainment Visas

When making plans to travel to the US to tour, join a production, work in television or undertake other activities in the American entertainment industry, it is especially important to ensure that you secure the right visa. Upon arrival in the US, immigration officials at the border will ask questions about the purpose of your visit and check whether your visa is appropriate for the type of activity you intend to carry out once you have been permitted entry into the country.

If an immigration officer is not satisfied with your explanation or the documentation you have provided, they can decide to refuse you entry and order that you be returned to your home country on the next available flight. Individuals who are refused entry to the United States may find it more difficult when applying for future US visas or visa-free travel to the US.

Most people travelling to the US to take part in entertainment industry activities will require one of the following visas:

This guidance is currently being updated.

Please visit our dedicated USA Visa Guidance site or contact a member of our team for more information.